The officials committee and the General Chair will select a slate of candidates to be presented for election to the position of Officials Chair every three years, as outlined in the bylaws of Oregon Swimming, Inc. This may require face to face, telephone or e-mail meetings of the committee members during the selection process.
Individuals interested in being considered for the position of officials chair should notify the officials committee of their desire to run for election, preferably by March of the election year. The candidates also may be asked to meet with the committee, in person or by phone prior to the finalization of the slate of candidates. The committee will limit the final slate of candidates to no more than three. Requirements for this position are outlined in the bylaws of Oregon Swimming.
Ballots and biographical information on each candidate will be mailed to each registered official in the LSC. This mailing should be completed by May, at the latest, in an election year. Ballots must be received by the end of July in an election year to be counted.
The name of the newly elected Officials Chair will be forwarded to the General Chair immediately after completion of the election for consideration of appointment at the House of Delegates meeting in October, following the election.
A transition period of approximately two months (August and September) will allow the newly elected Officials Chair to become familiar with the duties of the job. Meetings with the outgoing Officials Chair, General Chair, Board of Directors and others may be helpful in facilitation of the transition process.
The newly elected Officials Chair will assume office when appointed by the General Chair at the House of Delegates meeting. Should the General Chair decline to appoint the person thusly elected, the old Officials Chair may continue in the position until another person is elected. An additional election will be held as soon as possible.